

图书馆位于肯尼斯W. Schuler 学习资源中心 (LRC) is an integral part of the 塞迪斯史蒂文斯学院 of Technology’s educational mission. Our primary goals are to provide students with the in为mation they need to complete their training programs and to provide 教职员工 with resources to help students succeed. We are also committed to maintaining collections of supplemental and recreational materials 为 use by any一个 in the 大学 community. 

图书馆包括LRC计算机实验室, 哪个是供学生使用的, 教师, 工作人员, 批准的客人. 图书馆不向公众开放. 


图书馆有各种各样的资料供学生使用, 教师, 根据项目性质的不同,人员流动也不同: 

  • 书可以外借,而且可以续借.
  • dvd可以外借并且可以续借. 
  • Headph一个s, webcams, DVD players, reader pens, chargers) are checked out either four hours/in 图书馆只供学生使用或30天(教职员工). 
  • Laptops are checked out 为 two weeks and are renewable if other units are still available.


  • 计算器借出两周,可以续借.
  • 预约资料借出时间为四小时(仅限在馆内使用).


图书馆的资料可供所有人使用y一个 举行一次 有效的 大学 身份证 或经批准的客人证件. 身份证显示姓名,照片和号码必须提供给所有 交易. 


图书馆有 指定的 安静的区域. 在所有其他空间,噪音应保持在最低限度,但不受限制. 图书馆使用者应 不要使用广播的扬声器 声音, 去外面 电话s. 无烟草制品 或武器 被允许进入 library,而我们 要求用户保持尊重 其他用户的 与图书馆工作人员合作. 允许吃东西,但请清理垃圾并擦干净 之后. 


的re are two black and white printers in the computer lab—these can be accessed only through the lab stations (i.e.,您不能从自己的设备上打印到它们)。. 打印不收费.  

Double-sided printing is not available at the library; color printing is possible but is d一个 at the discretion of the library 工作人员. 前台附近的复印机/扫描仪免费提供给图书馆用户. 请向工作人员寻求使用此设备的帮助.


图书馆 工作人员 aims to maintain a collection relevant to the educational and recreational interests of the 大学 community. 我们的目标是:  

  1. 组装, 组织, 保存, and make available materials necessary to fulfill the academic and vocational needs of the students, 教师, 及学院职员. 
  2. To provide adequate and com为table facilities that will encourage use of LRC materials and to maintain an atmosphere conducive to study and academic work. 
  3. To provide professional instruction and programming to support 大学 curricula and the educational goals of the 大学. 


library 赞同美国的原则 图书馆协会的阅读自由和图书馆权利法案 语句. 社区、初级和技术学院课程的标准, 由大学和研究图书馆协会和 教育传播与技术协会, 被接受为 确保卓越的措施. 


It is the responsibility of the professionally trained library 工作人员 to acquire materials necessary to meet the in为mational needs of the 大学 community. 该集合支持大专, two-year 技术 degree programs and is designed to develop academic proficiency and personal growth of students, 教职员工. 

Because the programs at the 大学 require resources which represent contemporary industrial, 技术, 以及执业技术人员和专业人员采用的施工方法, the collection aims to provide material that satisfies requirements of that academic curriculum. 图书馆 also aims to provide some non-技术 publications that (1) allow the students to discover and experience the universe beyond 技术 knowledge, (2)有助于他们的终身学习. 

Though decisions about acquisition 为 library materials is the ultimate responsibility of the Library Director, 来自教员的意见, 工作人员, 并欢迎本学院的学生. 材料的选择采用以下标准:  

  • Materials shall support and be consistent with the curriculum and educational goals of the 大学. 
  • Materials shall be appropriate 为 the subject area and ability level of the students at the 大学. 
  • Materials shall provide up-to-date content (some items fulfill this requirement even though they 保留旧版权).
  • Materials shall contribute to the academic/personal growth of users or be of appropriate 休闲质量. 

在选材方面, 图书馆工作人员评估现有馆藏并咨询其他来源, 包括: 

  • 信誉良好,专业准备的选择辅助工具. 
  • 学院各院系、学科专家. 
  • Recommendations submitted by students, 教师, advisory committees, administrators, 工作人员, and 校友. 

NOTE: 图书馆 does not purchase copies of required textbooks 为 大学 courses; however, 其中一些教科书是保留的,可以在图书馆借阅. 


All material donations to the library must be processed through the office of the Director—an inquiry is encouraged. 捐赠的材料一经捐赠即成为学院的财产, 其处置由图书馆馆长全权决定. Any donated material not chosen 为 the collection will be donated to a registered charity (i.e., it will not be sold or otherwise distributed) unless the donor has requested that the items be returned. 

图书馆 does not accept financial donations—potential financial donors are encouraged to work with the 大学 Foundation. 


Library materials are regularly removed from display and from the catalog in a process called “weeding.“这一步对于保持有用的、相关的收藏很重要. 图书馆馆长对移走资料有最终决定权. 一般情况下,删除项目的原因是: 

  • 过时(内容已经过时、不准确或误导). 
  • 被新的或修订的版本所取代的.
  • 图书的副本不再有很大的需求. 
  • 损坏无法简单修复.

当材料被丢弃时,学院所有权的标记被移除或覆盖. Materials are then discarded according to guidelines issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. 


图书馆鼓励读者尊重其他访客及工作人员, 并且要记住以下几点: 

  • Staff members reserve the right to ask any一个 creating a disruption to leave the LRC and to call Security if problematic behavior warrants that step. 
  • Users may not leave unattended bags or laptops anywhere in the library 为 any length of time. 的 工作人员 reserves to right to remove any such items from the general-use areas of the library and keep them locked up until they are claimed.


图书馆 houses the 大学 archives, and the Library Director is responsible 为 that collection. 的 archives primarily contain materials associated with the history of the institution but also has items connected to its founder and 校友. 

 Any一个 wishing to donate items to the 大学 archives should first contact the Library Director. Our collection policy restricts acceptance to materials having a direct connection to the 大学 (e.g., 学院活动照片, 行政记录, 出版的刊物, at, 或大阳城集团网站学院, 及印有书院标志的文物). 


图书馆 维护 借阅处的失物招领处. Any一个 who might have lost something in the LRC is encouraged to check with library 工作人员. 

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