

塞迪斯史蒂文斯学院 of Technology supports student organizations that create meaningful experiences for 学生和 enhance their cultural, social, 物理, 精神发展. 学生组织对所有学生开放. Being a part of a club is a great way to stay engaged with the campus community 和 connect with others. A list of currently active student clubs is below.


协会的学生分会. Focused on improving the science of graphic communications 和 design, initiating 和 encouraging a continued program of education for self-improvement 和 progress through increased knowledge, 和 fostering a spirit of fellowship among members.
顾问:唐·哈特 电子邮件:

The 架构俱乐部 has been formed to cultivate a vibrant community of passionate individuals, 谁对建筑有着共同的热爱. 在一起, we celebrate the art 和 science of architecture, embracing its capacity to shape the world we inhabit. 在建筑俱乐部, we envision a community that thrives on creativity, 协作, 和 a shared passion for 反式forming the built environment into meaningful experiences.
顾问:泰德·威廉姆斯 电子邮件:  

黑人学生会 鼓励黑人 学生和 学生 在所有种族中S和种族 to engage in cultural enrichment 和 intellectual growth that center African American culture, lifestyle, 和 historyBSU is 承诺 提高人们的意识 大阳城集团网站 问题 影响 非裔美国人经历.
顾问: Valdijah Brown 电子邮件 

An opportunity to get an excellent cardio workout. Open to anyone who wishes to learn boxing techniques. Offensive 和 defensive skills are practiced in this club. Students will have the privilege to use bag gloves, heavy bags, h和 wraps 和 other equipment.
顾问查理·拜尔斯 电子邮件 

天津科技大学最新的俱乐部, 的电子竞技 offers competitive tournaments 和 an online community where 学生 can view tournament broadcasts, 分享他们最喜欢的游戏片段, 和其他大阳城集团网站玩家聊天.
顾问: 乔纳森·欧博 电子邮件 

representative body of 学生 of Hispanic origin, 拉丁美洲学者联盟 is charged with the authority to provide a supportive social 和 academic network of peers. The organization celebrates the diverse cultures 和 heritages of Hispanic origin, 和 membership is open to the entire College community.
顾问Heriberto Arjona 电子邮件 

The 户外俱乐部 is dedicated to activities that explore or are based in the great outdoors.  活动包括远足, 钓鱼, 冰上钓鱼, 射箭, 皮划艇, 雪油管/滑雪, 土耳其称, 斧头扔, 划独木舟, 野营, 鳟鱼提高, The outdoor club also endeavors to participate in at least one 社区服务 environmental or conservation service projects each year.
顾问:希思·埃德尔曼 电子邮件 

Phi Theta Kappa - Beta Nu Delta分会
Invitation to join the Beta Nu Delta Chapter honor society is extended to full-time 学生 maintaining a grade point average of 3.5或以上. Personal enrichment is gained through the organization’s four hallmarks of scholarship, 领导, 服务及团契.
顾问: Stacy Thornwall-Rogers 电子邮件 

Dedicated to all aspects of the Christian lifestyle, meeting weekly to fellowship 和 share faith based experiences.
顾问:蒂姆·德雷珀 电子邮件 

A representative body of 学生 initiating 和 carrying out relevant policies concerning residence hall life.
顾问杰森·昆兹 电子邮件:  

Students may participate in competitions through SkillsUSA to test their technical skills against their peers 和 industry st和ards. SkillsUSA enhances the lives 和 careers of 学生, 教练, 和 industry representatives as they strive to be champions at work.
顾问:凯尔·杨 电子邮件:  

A student chapter of the national organization dedicated to inspire, 准备, 和 support 学生 for the advancement of manufacturing.
顾问:克里斯托弗·韦 电子邮件 

The 频谱LGBTQ+联盟 provides a safe 和 supportive community for 塞迪斯史蒂文斯学院 学生 who may identify as lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 反式, 酷儿, 或质疑.
顾问:劳拉·马龙 电子邮件:  

A representative body voicing student opinions concerning cultural 和 academic life 和 sharing proportionately in the development of College policy.
顾问:帕特里夏·梅利和梅丽莎·威瑟斯 电子邮件 和

Fraternity founded in 1986 to encourage 和 sponsor development of collegiate activities, 社区服务, 兄弟会, 和奖学金.
顾问: Dr. 文森特英里 电子邮件 

A blend of social 和 educational activities provided for women on campus.
顾问: Andrea Biesecker 电子邮件 

An opportunity for 学生 to participate in the production of the 塞迪斯史蒂文斯学院 yearbook.
顾问:迈克·布雷迪 电子邮件 

The Young Lion Mentoring Club is a supportive club that nurtures 学生' potential. 通过指导, 指导, 和赋权, 该俱乐部旨在培养领导才能, 个人发展, 以及其成员的学术卓越. By providing a platform for mentorship relationships to flourish, 俱乐部努力激发人们的信心, 弹性, 和 ambition in young adults as they navigate their educational, 专业, 个人旅行.
顾问: 爱默生科特雷尔 电子邮件: 




Student groups meet casually on a regular basis. Any student interested in joining or starting a group may 联络学生服务处. 下面列出了活动组.

Feasting on God’s word: a weekly bible study with a provided meal.


Students gather weekly for trading card games 和 board games.

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